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Ah, I was under the impression that OP was covering both, not only things relevant to Google Sheets.

Ah, I do see the LET function now but I still can't find a reference to the Power Query editor.

Answer by Archimedes70

There doesn't appear to be an existing term that neatly fits. Here are some possibilities:

One-word terms:

Traumaraderie (portmanteau of "trauma" and "camaraderie")

Two-word terms:

Stress bonding (a technique for bonding rabbits)

Trauma bonding (this is sometimes used to mean bonding between victims even though it also means bonding between victim and abuser in other contexts)

Trauma kinship

Survivor bond

Longer terms:

Friendship forged in fire

Shared trauma bonding

Mutual suffering solidarity

Camradery through adversity

I'm surprised to see no mention of the LET function for making formulas more readable.

Another glaring omission is Power Query in Excel. I find it incredibly useful for connecting to data sources and transforming data. It's easily auditable as it produces steps of code for table transformations rather than working with thousands of cells with individual formulas.

When it comes to writing about spreadsheets, it's just about impossible to even skim the surface without missing anything, especially considering many aspects like array formulas, VBA macros, pivot tables with DAX measures, and Power Query can go super deep. I own a 758-page textbook just on Power Query and multiple books on Power Pivot / DAX.

Some of these depend on how concise you want to be. For example,

"Partial derivative with respect to x of f of x, y" may be shortened to "partial x, f of x, y".

Conciseness is more common when speaking if the written form is also visible (as opposed to purely vocal communication).

Supposing humanity is limited to Earth, I can see arguments for ideal population levels ranging from maybe 100 million to 100 billion with values between 1 and 10 billion being the most realistic. However, within this range, I'd guess that maximal value is more dependent on things like culture and technology than on the raw population count, just like a sperm whale's brain being ~1000x the mass of an African grey parrot's brain doesn't make it three orders of magnitude more intelligent.

Size matters (as do the dynamic effects of growing/shrinking) but it's not a metric I'd want to maximize unless everything else is optimized already. If you want more geniuses and more options/progress/creativity, then working toward more opportunities for existing humans to truly thrive seems far more Pareto-optimal to me.

Leela now has a contempt implementation that makes odds games much more interesting. See this Lc0 blog post (and the prior two) for more details on how it works and how to easily play odds games against Leela on Lichess using this feature.

GM Matthew Sadler also has some recent videos about using WDL contempt to find new opening ideas to maximize chances of winning versus a much weaker opponent.

I'd bet money you can't beat LeelaQueenOdds at anything close to a 90% win rate.

Why not go all the way and use a constructed language (like Lojban or Ithkuil) that's specifically designed for the purpose?

All the pics and bragging about how wonderful their adventures were really rub me the wrong way. It comes across as incredibly tone deaf to the allegations and focusing on irrelevant things. Hot tubs, beaches, and sunsets are not so important if you’re suffering from deeper issues. Good relationship dynamics are way more important than scenery and perks, especially in a small group setting.

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