Ben Pace

I'm an admin of this site; I work full-time on trying to help people on LessWrong refine the art of human rationality. (Longer bio.)

I generally feel more hopeful about a situation when I understand it better.

Non-disclosure agreements I have signed: Around 2017 I signed an NDA when visiting the London DeepMind offices for lunch, one covering sharing any research secrets, that was required by all guests before we were allowed me access to the building. I do not believe I have ever signed another NDA.


AI Alignment Writing Day 2019
Transcript of Eric Weinstein / Peter Thiel Conversation
AI Alignment Writing Day 2018
Share Models, Not Beliefs


Glad you're keeping your eye out for these things!

It's 8 hours away from the Bay, which all-in is not that different from a plane flight to NY from the Bay, so the location doesn't really help with being where all the smart and interesting people are.

Before we started the Lightcone Offices we did a bunch of interviews to see if all the folks in the bay-area x-risk scene would click a button to move to the Presidio District in SF (i.e. imagine Lightcone team packs all your stuff and moves it for you and also all these other people in the scene move too) and IIRC most wouldn't because of things like their extended friend network and partners and so on (@habryka @jacobjacob am I remembering that correctly?). And that's only a ~1.5-hr move for most of them.

The transcript was tough to read, I got through it, but I don't think I followed everyone's points. Tons of typos and also sometimes it would put marginal words in the wrong speaker's mouth. I think paying someone to go through this and fix typos or having it done by a person originally (I'd guess this is machine-transcribed) would've been worth it, I would've chipped in $10 for that and I'm sure many others would've.

17. Worldview diversification (but not as we know it)

16. Some intuition

15. A vow (conditional on there having been a vow)

14. Heuristic distrust of galaxy-brained reasoning or weirdness

13. Ingroup signalling

12. It creates interesting arguments

11. It feels good

10. It is easier

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