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I hate death metal. This is a great song!


It's good to see Scott Alexander being recognised not only for his influence on folk music, but his beats, as he moves rhythmically, forcefully into unstoppable Dance. He got the moves.


Inspired and inspiring. These tunes add another string to the Less Wrong bow. Catchy! (First favourites are The Road to Wisdom and The Litanies. [Profound stuff]Oh, and 'Thought that Faster'.)


Yeah, I always want at least a run through the particular song's Chorus, in an 'All together, now!' way. Singing can , for many, enhance communal fun, and the joy of togetherness.


Yeah, great examples, and thought provoking. I look forward to more...gentleness.


I laughed when I read ' black box.' Us oldies who predominantly use Microsoft (Word and Excel) and Google Docs*, are mostly bewildered. by the very language of computer technology. For some, there is overwhelming fear because of ignorance. Regardless of MScs and PhDs, I know someone who refuses to consider the possibilities of AI, insisting that it is simply the means to amass data, perchance to extrapolate. It is, I think, worth educating even the old folk (me) whose ability to update is limited.

  • And maybe Zoom, and some Social Media.

I agree that many of us outsiders would like to understand and utilise rationalist thinking. I did not, for example, notice the 'rationalist' take that ' AI will become Evil Vaguely Judeo-Christian God who Tortures Us in the Future'!

This short post is astounding because it succinctly describes, and prescribes, how to pay attention, to become grounded when a smart and sensitive human could end up engulfed in doom. The post is insightful and helpful to any of us in search of clarity and coping.

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