
Like, the one from youtube. But not the sexy model one. I do modeling, but it's all in my head.

Wiki Contributions


Answer by keltanMay 06, 202410

While an odd answer, it is true for me that music helps to install rational thinking. I think I’ve done maybe 3 fermi estimates in my day to day after making and listening to this song.

The Fermi Estimate Jig - LessWrong Inspired

Having it stuck in my head has been effective for me. I hope it works for others.


Very quick google search. But something like this link for the “targeted NIR interference therapy”?


Duct-tape fixes are common in the wake of anything that goes publicly wrong. When people get hurt, they demand change, and they pressure whoever is in charge to give it to them. But implementing a proper fix is generally more complicated (since you have to perform a root cause analysis), less visible (therefore not earning the leader any social credit), or just plain unnecessary (if the risk was already priced in). So the incentives are in favor of quickly slapping something together that superficially appears to be a solution, without regards for whether it makes sense.

Wow, I kinda already knew this. But it had never been said so clearly and brought to the front of my mind in this way. It perfectly describes the strategies YouTube has used through its various apocalypses.


I rewrote this as lyrics and fed it into Udio for 5 hours until it gave me this. I think music helps internalize rationalist skills.


I agree! I’ve been writing then generating my own LW inspired songs now.

I wish it was common for LW posts to have accompanying songs now.


To help remember this post and it's methods I broke it down into song lyrics and used Udio to make the song.


I now realize that my thinking may have been particularly brutal, and I may have skipped inferential steps.

To clarify, If someone didn't know, or was reluctant to repeat a password, I would end contact or request an in person meeting.

But to further clarify, that does not make your points invalid. I think it makes them stronger. If something is weird and risky, good luck convincing people to do it.


I went with Udio because it was popular and I was impressed by "dune to musical". I think I'll give Suno a try today, but I get what you're saying about the objective quality. It does have that "tin" sound that Udio is good at avoiding.

If you've got tricks or tips I'd love to hear anything you've got!


A potentially good way to avoid low level criminals scamming your family and friends with a clone of your voice is to set a password that you each must exchange.

An extra layer of security might be to make the password offensive, an info hazard, or politically sensitive. Doing this, criminals with little technical expertise will have a harder time bypassing corporate language filters.

Good luck getting the voice model to parrot a basic meth recipe!


addicts and whales

To my knowledge, the man in this photo has claimed he was paid by Ruby Rose to pose for this photo and it is an extremely effective marketing scheme. The guy didn't expect it to go viral and so spoke about it on a podcast.


However, this is only a possible factual correction. It should not take away from the fact that actual examples of people considered "Whales" or "Addicts" do in fact exist.

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